Our Prices

We make doing your laundry simple. We can save your time, so you can enjoy doing the things you love. We can save you money on soap, water, heating and electricity. So you can enjoy even more of the things you love. Our prices are simple and affordable.

Full Price list

Hung T Shirt $59.00
10 Shirts @ 1.90 $19.00
Hung T Shirt $59.00
10 Shirts @ 1.90 $19.00
5 Shirts On Hanger $19.00
Dress Shirt $29.00
5 Shirts On Hanger $19.00
Hung T Shirt $59.00
10 Shirts @ 1.90 $19.00
Hung T Shirt $59.00
10 Shirts @ 1.90 $19.00
5 Shirts Wash & Fold $24.00
Dinner Shirt $44.00
Pellentesque consectetur $78.00
Vivamus sagittis at cras $111.00
Folded Shirt $140.00
5 Shirts On Hanger $19.00
Hung T Shirt $59.00
10 Shirts @ 1.90 $19.00
10 Shirts @ 1.90 $19.00
Pellentesque consectetur $78.00
Folded T Shirt $18.00
Hung T Shirt $59.00
Vivamus sagittis at cras $111.00
5 Shirts On Hanger $19.00
10 Shirts @ 1.90 $10.00
5 Shirts On Hanger $10.00
Hung T Shirt $59.00
10 Shirts @ 1.90 $19.00
Hung T Shirt $59.00
10 Shirts @ 1.90 $19.00
Hung Shirt $39.00
Dinner Shirt $44.00
Folded T Shirt $18.00
Hung T Shirt $59.00
Folded Shirt $140.00
5 Shirts On Hanger $10.00
Hung T Shirt $59.00
10 Shirts @ 1.90 $19.00
Pellentesque consectetur $78.00
Hung T Shirt $59.00
Dress Shirt $29.00
10 Shirts @ 1.90 $10.00
Hung T Shirt $59.00
10 Shirts @ 1.90 $19.00
Hung T Shirt $59.00
10 Shirts @ 1.90 $19.00
5 Shirts Wash & Fold $24.00
Hung Shirt $39.00
Pellentesque consectetur $78.00
Dress Shirt $29.00
5 Shirts On Hanger $19.00
5 Shirts On Hanger $10.00

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